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I was previously the social media coordinator (and currrent President) for Mizzou's chapter of the Online News Association, which means I ran our Facebook and Twitter accounts. The Twitter account (@ONAMizzou) has over 1,700 followers and the Facebook page (ONA Mizzou) has over 640 likes. Our social media platforms are used to inform members of upcoming events and also share recent events in digital journalism. 


During my time as social media coordinator, I also redesigned our website. Check it out here:


My job consisted of strategically planning out social media posts. To do this I used a social calendar that I fill out at the beginning of each week to make sure that posts are consistent and we stay active on all platforms. After the social calendar is filled out, all scheduling was done through Hootsuite.

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Every Spring, ONA brings a keynote speaker to campus. I facilitated our social media promotions which included: paid promotions on social media, video producing and assisted in the creation of graphics for our platforms. We brought Nick Guillory to campus during the 2017-2018 year, the Content Lead for Buzzfeed's Tasty at the time. This year we plan to bring John Haskins, the Director of the Student Journalism Institute at the New York Times, to campus.

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